Sunday, August 1, 2010

Making Friends Monday!

Welcome to Making Friends Monday Blog Hop, hosted by Living on Love and Cents, Mon Cheri, The Thrifty Things, Reviewed By Mom , Coupons are Great.

Each week we will randomly pick a Spotlight Blog of the Week! To be choosen you must follow the rules and have our button somewhere on your blog. (We have to be able to find it!) This week's Spotlight of the Week is Brett from This Mama Loves her Bargains! (Number 107 from last week's hop.) This blog will take the #6 spot. Be sure and visit her and say hello! Here is a little about Brett.

" I'm Brett, AKA Queen B. I'm mom to 3, wife to one and sister to 7. Yep, 7. I'm the baby of the family. We have lived green in many ways for a long time but one of my hobbies is finding new ways to be green and have fun doing so at the same time. I'm a cloth diaper addict. I hate wasting things. I have a love of bags- purses, diaper bags, totes, etc. I love photography and get to shoot weddings a few times a month- I LOVE it. Aside from staying home with my kids its the best job ever. My fave TV shows to watch are: Wipeout, Two and a Half Men, How I Met Your Mother and Holmes on Homes...and Food Network or HGTV in general. That's most of what you'd never want to know about me in one jumbled paragraph! "

Join us on our journey as we discover new blogs and gain new followers every week!
The rules are super simple but VERY important!

1. Follow the Making Friends Monday Hosts (Listed as # 1-5) as well as the Spotlight Blog of the Week (listed as #6)--They WILL follow you Back! You MUST LEAVE A COMMENT so we can follow you back!

2. Grab our Making Friends Monday button and include it in a post on your blog.

3. Link up to THAT post.

4. Start hopping and remember following back is apprciated!
Help spread the word and get more followers:
-Put the same linky list code on your blog and you'll have the exact same list!
- Your blog visitors can add their blog to your list and it will show up on all lists!

**Don't forget to follow the rules so you have a chance to be the "Spotlight Blog of the Week"! **


HBrummett 1

Hello! Thanks for joining up at Making Friends Monday! Thanks for following me! I am following you too! I look forward to reading more from you. Have a great day!

Deals 4 Thrills 2

Hi, Deals 4 Thrills is following you back

flmom 3

Thanks for the follow! Following you back. :)

Tiffany The Grocery Thief 4

I am now following you back :)
Thanks! Your posts are very well written- Love your blog!

Belly Charms 5

Thanks for stopping by. I am already following you. Have a fantastic week.

Anestazia 6

Heyy! Thanks for following and for commenting! I'm following back!

BrettBMartin 7

following back from mfm!!


Unknown 8

I'm following you... :)

you left a comment on my blog saying you're following but I can't see you on my list for some reason :)

Jill 9

Hi there

Returning the favour and following you back! Thanks for visiting my blog - I love the zebra background on yours!!

Kristin 10

Hi There! Thanks for linking up with Making Friends Monday! I appreciate the follow and I am your newest follower. I am looking forward to keeping up with you :). Kristin @ Reviewed by Mom.

Anonymous 11

Thanks 4 stopping by The Moxie Bee!
Following you back!

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